If the CLIENT decides to cancel the present Agreement prior to delivery of the EQUIPMENT, the CLIENT hereby agrees to pay the charge of the rental in Full and any charges mentioned above if the cancellation is made in 1 week or less prior to the expected delivery any reservation paid more than 30 days in advance the cardholder accepts that during this period he/she forfeits willingly and freely any claim or right of refund as our Online Gateway and our Bank do not allow refunds older than 30 Days of Purchase.
If the cancellation is done more than 1 week before the delivery of the Equipment and with less than 30 days of purchase payment via your credit card a refund for the rental will be issued with a deductible administration fee only of USD 20.00 for the cancellation. Should the client not call us to report that they have check-in and are in the room expecting the equipment to be delivered we are not responsible after 24 hours to deliver the crib and the reservation will be canceled automatically by you as the client accepts that there will be no refunds due to non-compliance of our terms and conditions. It is ultimately the responsibility of the client to call or send us an e-mail and report that they have checked in in order to provide the room number and be in the room or at the vacationing home address for the delivery of the equipment.
Addendum Note:
Due to changes in March 2020 as of result of the Covid-19 Corona Virus Pandemic, it was only possible from March thru May 2020 to cancel with refund entitlement. This entitlement was granted as an unforeseen event that nobody did anticipate nor was ready for border shutdowns. Since we are now adapting to the New Normal we cannot honor refunds anymore but instead grant STORE CREDIT should you not be able to travel anymore. Our Store Credit works very simply as per our terms and condition. In order to obtain a store credit you must qualify to receive this only after receiving an approval e-mail from Aruba Crib Rental.
Once you have done these steps we will automatically accept your new reservation but you will not receive a new payment link. Should you have any questions please e-mail us at: in**@ar*************.com
© Copyright 2012 – 2024 | ARUBA CRIB RENTAL | Pavia Park 56, Paradera, Aruba